Reddit AMA Recap: Mark Paterson & Tim Farrell for Archer

The Kanes 2

Archer animators Tim Farrell and Mark Peterson stopped by Reddit to do an AMA following the Season 6 finale last week. We highlighted just Tim’s contributions though as most of Mark’s answers were having to do with that Easter egg hunt that I don’t feel like investigating because I wouldn’t figure it out anyway. It’s kinda like a solar eclipse, I could stay up late to look at it or just wait for pictures the next morning.

Tim on how Archer has actually looked better with age:

The rigs have evolved a lot over the years giving us a lot more options and look better. We’ve also sort of codified certain keyframe spacings and amounts of follow through look best, etc etc. Like has been stated elsewhere here I think, we’ve also got a crew of Harmony animators working on more complicated movements (fight sequences, hot and heavy makeout sessions). That started a couple of seasons ago, but it’s grown a lot this year

How Archer characters look sexier over time:

Over the last few seasons we’ve been supplementing the after effects animation with harmony/flash animation. After Effects isn’t the ideal tool to use when two characters are making out and the perspective on their faces is changing a lot. That said one of our AE guys Donald animated the hell out of the somewhat infamous Archer and Lana screwing in the bathroom shot.


On if it’s important to know the voice actors when animating characters

It’s not real important to know the voice actor (I hope). I’ve met half the cast I guess, but only Lucky and Amber could point me out of a lineup and say “that’s probably a guy who works on Archer”

The read is more important. Our producers are good about making sure the VO has the emphasis and punch to sell an animated character.

On what types of software is used on Archer:

Mostly Adobe stuff. Animation is After Effects and Harmony. Characters drawn in illustrator. BGs painted in Photoshop. The 3D stuff (unpainted BGs and stuff like cars or big explosions) are mostly Cinema 4D. I think boards use Storyboard now. Not sure what edit uses. Probably Premiere now.


On other cartoons that Tim likes:

I like watching ninja turtles and SW:Rebels with my kid. I deeply miss legend of korra. I sort of get behind and then binge watch Adventure Time and Gravity Falls. Puppy Cat, Greatest Warriors… I dunno. I should probably watch Steven Universe.

Read up on more of the Reddit AMA here.