Review: China IL ”A Gentleman’s Bet”

Spoilers Below

Steve and Frank have a bet that they can pick two students from each others’ classroom to hook up. The first to complete this mission, wins!  Frank has to get Hoh-Hoh and Summer into it while Steve gets Leslie and Transfer Billy.

It really looks like a shoe-in for Steve, unfortunately Steve keeps fucking Leslie, and Hoh-Hoh is pretty much a troll that lives under a bridge and steals peoples’ shoes so Frank’s gotta deal with that shit. Steve eventually convinces that if he hooks up with Leslie, that his real crush, Pony, will come sloshing after him. Frank, decides to set a trap for Hoh-Hoh that should lead him to Summer no questions asked.

Meanwhile, Pony, Cakes, and a bunch of other students get locked up in a ‘think tank’ which was designed by The Mayor and The Dean to have the kids come up with ideas to stifle the overpopulation of our country. The winning idea will be sent up to Reagan for him to put into practice. The problem is, Pony can’t get the other kids to focus for the simple task of simply coming up with an idea to get out of the fucking tank. Instead, everyone takes the mission seriously and begins arguing for a legit way for overpopulation to be figured out.

A few days go by, and everyone inside the tank starts to flip out when they hear gun shots outside. What is it? It’s Steve putting a plan in motion to have Billy save the day in front of Leslie so that she’d hook up with him and Steve can win the bet. Unfortunately, the think tank unhinges from its stoop, and starts barreling through the campus killing everything in its path. The tank falls over, and Billy gets a look at a very rundown Pony thereby making him no longer interested in Leslie. Frank on the other hand successfully gets Hoh-hoh and Summer to hook up which makes him the winner. Well, he’s a winner until Steve brandishes a pistol…

With Pony and the rest of the kids now free from captivity, they convince the Dean and the Mayor to run with an idea to install a ‘Death Draft’ to help solve the overpopulation problem. Reagan gets wind of it, and loves the idea, thereby putting it in motion. Gotta love America!

Our Take

Fans of Superjail! would love the premier episode of China IL season three. For starters, we got by far the most violent episode of the show that I’ve ever seen and it was hysterical to watch. From people slicing their own throats, to the think tank going out of control, to the un-fucking-thinkable idea to give Ronald Reagan any sort of keys to a drone army, this one had the goods. Not to mention, Hoh-Hoh certainly reminded me of Jackknife’s personality whereas Pony was starting to look more and more like the aforementioned character that usually kicks off the openings for each episode of Superjail!

If we are comparing China IL to other Adult Swim favorites, we’re gonna have ourselves a hell of a season. Frank and Steve are even more maniacal than I remember, and even Pony lost her normal tranquil mind. I’m already liking some of the new characters, and The Dean, Mayor, Gov, and Reagan all provide for limitless possibilities. I’m putting a bet in right now naming this show one of the best, if not the best, of 2015.