Review: The Rolling Girls “Give Me the Stars”

TRG ep 7

This week, The Rolling Girls make their way to Kyoto, with a slight change in plans. Chiyaya doesn’t need the stones anymore, which kind of seems like a set up for a conflict later on. Well, they make their way into town, which is protected by the Kamigawa Rockers, and Maikos We Are. Seeing “Give Me the Stars,” just makes me want to go Summer Sonic in Japan even more, even though it doesn’t have the all out brawls like you see this week.

Also, I want to let you guys have this sink in a bit. We”re in Japan, and everyone in Kyoto speaks like they’re from Britain, even the geisha. That’s the only part I find that takes away from “Give Me the Stars.” Some may find the girls’s trying to confront Shu rather lame, but I enjoyed it. I found that it fit the girls perfectly; they were trying to help, even though they really have no idea what they’re doing. The Kamigawa Rockers didn’t pay much mind to their captain getting kidnapped. In fact, Maikos We Are seemed to care more than Misa’s own club. I think the club needs new members that care.

The best part of “Give Me the Stars” is the fight between the Geisha and Shu’s gang. She’s easily the coolest looking Best that the crew has come across. Unfortunately, it looks like there won’t be much to her when they leave Kyoto. It seems to be the trope of this series. The origin of Chiyo and Misa’s hatred is explored, albeit briefly. Then, it seems like Shu is in the middle of this hatred, but I’m not sure. The end of “Give Me the Stars” is a little murky. I’m sure a lot more light will be shed on this next week, but I can’t really be sure.

All in all, “Give Me the Stars” was an episode that essentially went through all of the work to get a decent kidnapping plot going, only to hit the reset button for a bigger plot from the antagonist, Shu. Watching The Rolling Girls‘s take on a kidnapping caper and comparing it to the other show that had a kidnapping plot, Assassination Classroom, you can see how two different minds can take to the same type of plot. Where Assassination Classroom was dark and violent, The Rolling Girls kept it whimsical, and somewhat carefree. At the end, Misa was let go. That didn’t exactly happen when Koro-Sensei paid a visit to the kidnappers in Assassination Classroom‘s current episode. Both got close to the same score, because I think that both handled the different ends of the spectrum very well.

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