English Dub Review: Absolute Duo “Avenger”


Who knew that “Avenger” was going to turn into an anime version of Battle Royale? “Avenger” was all action, and it ramped up from the word go. The only thing that really wasn’t was the introduction of the New Blade Battle. From then on out, however, things went by on a ferocious pace, all in the name of winning the New Blade Battle.

While “Avenger” was light on story, the action made “Avenger” fly by. Tor and Julie are easily the most powerful Duo in the school, and the New Blade Battle proved that. However, there was a plot twist as Tor found Tora and his duo laid out on the ground. Without getting too far into it, there was a bit of a twist, especially if you didn’t watch past the ending. Also, you see what happens when someone’s Blaze gets destroyed, on two different occasions. On another note, Julie beat on Tomoe like Julie was Rhonda Rousey, and Tomoe was Stephanie McMahon. Wrestlemania was on last night. Sue me.

While there was a lot of action, it doesn’t really let me speak much on story, because there was none until after the credits. You finally get to see what Julie’s motivation was for taking the Lucifer and taking on a Blaze. Both that, and the plot twist during the New Blade Battle made this worth the watch. That twist is a serious “what the fuck” moment, if I ever saw one. The fight choreography in “Avenger” was also great. You didn’t see any terrible animations, nor moments that susepended that moment of believing. Watch “Avenger,” because it’s a short 23 minutes filled with all of the fighting that was missing from last week.