Review: Star Wars Rebels “Rebel Resolve”

This could be the episode where Ezra finally comes into his own, and it’s about time.


So, usually, I watch Star Wars Rebels after it airs on the app or the site. This week, I decided to go for a change of pace. As of the writing, I am 12 minutes in, and I am just getting back from the second commercial break. If anything, this shows how commercialized Disney and it’s family of networks really are. On top of that, the third segment was the longest, and that was at six minutes.

Lke I said before the jump, “Rebel Resolve” is the episode where Ezra starts making steps to go out on his own. And in true star Jedi fashion, he shows a penchant for disregarding his superiors for what he feels is the better plan. Ezra is showing a streak that rivals Qui-Gon Jinn. The last three or four episodes have been killer for Ezra, because it shows that he isn’t just a punk trying to be something else.

The “Where’s Kanan?” plot moved into the second act, and that forced Ezra to disobey Hera and find a way to find where Kanan is. That didn’t exactly work out very well at first, but he found a way to get the information. By the end of “Rebel Resolve,” Ezra is slowly turning into a badass, the crew is solidified (and almost got a new crew member), and the know where Kanan is. All of the pieces are falling into place for an explosive season finale next episode.

Having Hera answer to Fulcrum (who, if I remember correctly, has never been seen before tonight), then show her trying to give orders to the crew only makes her look relatively weak. Granted, as far as I have seen, no one knows of Fulcrum, nor that there was a person on the chain higher than Kanan. I found the addition of Fulcrum confusing, because he was only mentioned maybe four times the entire season. However, this was the first time you saw some sort of image of him, so things are progressing.

“Rebel Resolve,” in conjunction with the finale next week, should be a game changer to the Star Wars universe. Everything that the season has left open should (hopefully, mind you) be closed out, and give us a lead as to where season two is. I’m surprised that Ezra didn’t use Zare to find out more about where Kanan was. If there was ever a reason to get Zare in “Rebel Resolve, this would have been it. Using the Droid courier though was a decent choice, I guess. I don’t really know. I’m on the fence about it.

That and Hera are the only things that miffed me about “Rebel Resolve.” In retrospect, while they were missed opportunities, they weren’t big problems. There has been so many bad episodes or movies in the Star Wars universe, this doesn’t even come close to worst ever. In fact, on a whole, “Rebel Resolve” was actually very good. The plot, for the most part, was on point, and the action made sense to have, and sets up the finale next week. Now, can it be next week?
