Bubble SG Review: Heartland Hubby ”The Coup / Winnie’s Mojo”


Spoilers Below

With great power comes great responsibility. Well, that’s not the case with our friends Winnie and Encik!

Winnie, the resident genius, also happens to be the resident ‘evil’ in her school. She likes to play mind tricks on her teachers so that they fear her and she can control them. Pretty nasty for a 10 year old, huh?

Too bad she has a new teacher to contend with, someone who knows her tricks and is on the same level with her. Molly advises her to have a talk with the teacher when she lost to him during one of her little ‘games’. And she does, but not in a way you’d expect. But then again, I’ve already said that she’s not a very nice kid to begin with, didn’t I?

There’s also plenty of trouble in the neighbourhood, what with a rather useless guy for a RC (Resident’s Committee) chairman focused only on the fun stuff. Incensed, the residents decide to vote Encik as the new chairman. But little did they know that they would be out of the pan and into the fire.

Encik’s slogan, “This is for your own good”, might be familiar to locals as a certain political party in Singapore uses that phrase loosely rather often too. He cancels all the parties, confiscates residents’ plants and is just a menace to be honest. Resistance is futile! Even his own children suffer under his rule. They gather with the residents in an attempt to overthrow his position, making use of Snoopy, the previous RC chairman. After some fancy fighting with paint balls included, Chairman Encik ceases to exist, and regular Encik returns. Not that his kids are particularly happy, since he resumes his usual nagging!

Anyway, did you realise that the Lim family eats a different meal in the starting credits every episode? This week they had steamboat to celebrate the Chinese New Year! The next time you watch Heartland Hubby, take a closer look to what they’re having for dinner!
