Seattle Muslims Demand Teacher Be Fired For Displaying Muhammad Cartoons

Mrs. K

A teacher is under fire (whoops! bad choice of words) after showing cartoons of Muhammad to her students at the Refugee Women’s Alliance in Seattle.

Deepa Bhandaru, Ph.D., displayed the images last month during a lesson about the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, religious pluralism, and freedom of speech. Apparently some folks didn’t get the message, as picketing protesters believe a law was violated by the teacher.

“I don’t think it’s free speech to talk about somebody’s religion, somebody’s beloved prophet, like that,” protester Fatma Yessef, told The Seattle Globalist.

Well, actually it is. Because America.

Bhandaru apologized abundantly for offending anyone, sent a lengthy apology letter to her colleagues at the Alliance, and also wrote and a 500-word apology to the Abu-Bakr Islamic Center, the local mosque of some of her students.

Funny enough, the students themselves or their parents weren’t actually upset by the lesson and acknowledge that in America “sometimes one person’s freedom might offend another person, but that’s the price we pay to be free,” Bhandaru told The Stranger. One Muslim student even texted her: “That’s just sad that you are trying to help them, they use that against you. I will pray for you for this drama to be over. It’s just really sad seeing Muslims nowadays acting this way.”

The protestors are another story.

An investigation by officials at the Alliance is ongoing. The center has been shut down for the week due to vandalism and for the safety of the staff.

By the way, no one is requesting a tuition refund, because Ms. Bhandaru’s class is free.

[via The Daily Caller]