Shorts Review: WWE Slam City “Perky the Penguin”

Now Mark Henry enters Slam City, and he’s a penguin.



Now, if you watch WWE, you probably know the brick house known as Mark Henry. He doesn’t exactly smile, or do comedy very well. No, I am not talking about his son, that hand. That was all Mae Young, and it was funny as hell. Mark is best at being a strong hardass that beats people up, because that’s “what he do.” But this? This is something completely different for the wrestler Mark Henry, and it is one of the funnier episodes of Slam City I have seen.

When Mark Henry is fired, he finds work in a Chuck-E-Cheese type of place called Perk E. Penguin, he is forced to dress up as a penguin. What follows is a rather standard “robot going rogue” story, but it’s just hilarious. When a rogue robot starts slapping a huge, burly wrestler with a metal fin, I demand you try to not laugh. This is a short that should be the bar that the rest is measured by, because it had laughter, great animation, and a wrestler in a situation he shouldn’t be. Hopefully, the rest of this season is as good, and “Perky the Penguin” isn’t the exception.
