Comics Review: Bravest Warriors #18

Can pirates, a Warrior going native, and a giant worm make a good story? Find out in the review of the latest Bravest Warriors!



Danny is on top of the ship, looking for Chris. After talking to Beth, we come to find out Chris had an existential crisis due to meeting his future Emotion Lord self. Danny runs into the jungle to look for Chris, tracking human activity. He sets up camp, only to tear it down because he is attacked by animals. His escape almost killed him, but a 75 year old version of Chris saves him. After some plays on the word paradox (or pair of sox), Emotion Prime Chris gets sucked into a paradox, and Chris runs to find normal Chris. Meanwhile, Wallow, Impossibear, and Catbug make it to the island, and Beth and them all try to figure out what to do with the other homeless people.

While Wallow and Beth are discussing the socio-economic structures, Catbug puts on a pirate costume, and takes over the ship and the homeless people. Meanwhile, Danny finds Chris, and he went complete native, complete with a coconut outfit. After using some sound logic of current actions making Chris turn into the Emotion Lord, they make their way back. As the issue ends, a giant worm comes, stealing the Warriors for revenge on their parents.

This comic was a decent start. Unfortunately, the disjointed intro makes things a little confusing. You don’t see the 200 year old Chris show up, but Chris is already gone, flustered because of it. You don’t know why he’s out of his mind until 5 or so pages in. There wasn’t even a flashback in this episode. I feel something will be shown at a later date, but this disjointed start kind of kills what a good story we got.
