Merch Murmur: Action Figure Therapy Gets On The Coffee Mug Bandwagon!


As if we didn’t have enough options recently when it came to the vessel that carries our morning elixir of life. Shows like Uncle Grandpa, Regular Show, and Adventure Time have already come out with coffee mugs this season and now it appears that Action Figure Therapy has jumped in on the game as well. As is the norm with all AFT products, however, they are exceptionally inexpensive! $12.99 for one mug is affordable on almost any budget and the 4-pack they’re offering doesn’t even crack 40 bucks. Give all 5 options a look by clicking the link.

This begs to question: What show or series would you like to have roll out their coffee mugs next? My hope is for a new run of Brak cups, but that’s just me feeling nostalgic. Leave your suggestions in the comments and we’ll see who you associate with the best part of waking up besides Folgers.
