Review: Aqua TV Show Show ‘The Dudies’


Spoilers Below

The guys are getting ready to have an award show on who is the coolest with Shake and Meatwad as the contestants and Frylock as the judge. Shake decides to go on over to Carl and get a few pointers on how he can be the coolest. After dressing him in proper attire, Carl takes Shake to the strip club. Afterward, Shake returns to the house to find out that Fry isn’t the judge of the contest which may be fake anyway, and guess what? Carl was nominated for a Dudie, too. The awards start and yea its a scam to sell condos because Shake and Carl get sent to a remote location to accept their trophies, but nothing’s cool. All of the sudden a missile comes charging towards everyone, but its cool cuz we’ve got a bomb shelter.

Tonight’s episode was a bit all over, but Aqua usually is. The premise, however, was rather unoriginal as we’ve seen countless storylines of someone trying to change someone else to look cooler or cuter or hotter or whatever. Shake flipping birds never gets old, but I could’ve told you the ending to this one yesterday.