Ripped from the headlines of Playbill magazine, a cautionary tale of superhero mega-musicals gone awry! When Claude Kane III is approached to finance a singing spectacular based on the exploits of Radioactive Man, he soon finds himself doing double duty while trying to save the production from a director whose vision can’t be contained, a rock ‘n’ roll composer whose ego needs to be kept in check, and a budget that continues to skyrocket, along with protecting the helpless cast and crew caught in the middle!

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As you can tell from the title, Radioactive Man gets on Broadway (well kind of, he actually hires some actors to do it instead). It is however, being financed by Mr. Claude(the real Radioactive Man) but even with the help of the top producers, directors, and the lead singer of “U-Turn”, the show ends up sucking while downtown a competing musical about Mr. Crab featuring Radioactive Man is getting rave reviews and making serious profit, all the meanwhile acting as a cover for bad guys to dig a hole under the city to try and smuggle uranium out of the country which a call to action for Radioactive Man.

Overall, the story is OK, what I really liked about it was Mr. Claude’s sarcastic tone whenever he gets the chance to speak, I thought it was spot on funny, and usually pretty quick. I almost wished to see this character in a real The Simpsons episode. Also, the cover is pretty comical, as it has Radioactive Man fighting off the likes of Wicked, Lion King, Cats, and a slew of other well-known Broadway properties.

(7.0 out of 10)