Review: Squidbillies ‘Granite Caverns’

Spoilers Below

Dan Halen and Rusty team up to take on a new business venture by turning the local cave into a sort of a town attraction where people come in, pay a fee, and take pictures of cave drawings. Early wants in and names himself King Squid thinking that aliens will one day come back to Earth and look at him as a God. With Granny and Sheriff outside manning advertising Dan starts worrying that the customers are going to find out that the pictures are fake and as such everyone in the cave should be killed off and that Rusty should work on that. As a result, he decides to enlist his dad whom cracks open his sawed-off shotgun and starts blasting the cave ceiling which causes the place to collapse all over leaving Rusty and Early in the dark. Rusty and Early get into a dispute over the validity of the aliens being real, but it looks as though Early is right because aliens from outer space come and abduct Granny and the Sheriff and they take off in their ship! Granny is named the King of the Aliens!

Annnnd that’s one way to do a comeback, yea? Granny is shipped off to space? Does this idea stick ala American Dad following Jeff’s abduction? I hope so because the aliens were so funny and good that I think they deserve a spin-off series. Dan Halen was also funny as hell and I hope we get to see more of him this season because a throw down with him an Early is long overdue.I loved the play on the customers that from the looks of it looked very Brooklyn-inspired and anytime we can take some of those kids down a peg its usually a good day.  Awesome Inc looks to have pushed the bar quite a bit on the animation side as well, with more mannerisms and emotions showed in our characters than maybe has been seen in seasons’ past.  Grab a beer and watch the trim, Squidbillies is back and maybe better than ever!