Review: Arby N the Chief – Season 7, Episode 24


I’m not sure if any of you readers in New York saw this, but there was a shark on the N-train the other day.


Given that it’s Shark Week, I really hope someone in the advertising department at The Discovery Channel got fired.

Oh, but Arby N the Chief has only two episodes left! So let’s dive into that. Following last week’s heaviness, Arbiter and Master Chief tried to come to terms with the destruction that was at least partially their fault. In addition, several other plot lines started to get tied up in this episode.

First, Cortana realized Chief had changed for the better, and left. Afterward, Chief and the Arbiter finally accepted their demented friendship, and – after Arby stated he sent a letter to Clair – also accepted that they were never meant to have any other friends.

Following an optimistic commitment by the duo to enjoy their remaining time together to the fullest, they seemed to be happily playing a variety of old video games. However, when the Arbiter went looking for the Super Nintendo cables, he discovered Cortana’s stand, leading him to question the idea that she willingly left, as the episode ends.

Not too bad for a second-to-last episode. Unfortunately, it had little to no humor, but that’s expected for the closing episodes of a series, so I’ll let it slide.

Things appear to be wrapping up nicely, with the exception of the twist ending, which leads you to wonder how this serious issue will be dealt with in just one episode. By the way: the final episode will NOT be released this Saturday. This week will be a trailer for the last episode – which will air the following week on August 17th – and will have a longer run time than usual. See you then.


