Comics Review: Regular Show #2

mar130947 (1)

Spoilers Below


So, a mosh pit vortex opens up in the middle of the pool. How do Mordecai and Rigby fix the problem? Better yet, do they fix the problem? Find out after the jump!Mordecai, Rigby, and Chips are in a half-cocked scheme to get Muscle-Man and Fives out of the mosh pit vortex, that involved a makeshift diving board and rope. After Benson puts them in their place, they jump into the vortex. After a few pages of the trio getting their asses kicked through the pit (boy, do I know how that feels), They reach the bottom, where they meet the demon, and the the crystallized Muscle-Man and Fives. They try to fight the monster head on, to no avail. Chips distracts the Demon, where Mordecai and Rigby tie up, and steal the crystal holding Muscle-Man and Fives. After getting the crystal that powers the demon out, the demon follows. After Mordecai and Rigby smash the crystal, the demon reverts to it’s female human form, and the park is saved.

Do you see a problem with the length of this review? I do, because that was it. Anyway, here’s our b-plot, entitled “Wide Awake.”

So, have you ever had a night where you and a friend slept over one another’s house, just to get somewhere really early? Well, this is a tale of said scenario. Mordecai and Rigby are trying to stay up all night, so they can get to a signing for their favorite TV actor, Danny Reinhoff. Things are going ok, until a pillow-man shaped Sandman appears, trying to get them to sleep.  They fight off the Sandman just in time to meet Danny. Unfortunately, Benson wakes up, and sees the sand everywhere. Staying up all night sure has it’s inconveniences, doesn’t it?

Alright, one thing I can’t get over is how crisp the drawings are. The line work is crisp, and the color is vibrant beyond belief. Unfortunately, what was a fantastic start in the first issue, suffers from the same thing a lot of comics that come through this site: the story gets rushed to finish in a short interval. With how much was packed into the first issue, I was expecting a more…epic story. But, what it could have been turned into a very anticlimactic ending to a rushed story. I was not happy. Luckily, “Wide Awake” was an amusing side, but this was a very disappointing issue.
