Shorts Review: Mickey Mouse Shorts ‘Croissant de Triomphe’


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Minnie Mouse is all out of croissants whilst working at her cafe and customers are wanting them yesterday. Mickey decides to help out by getting on his scooter and racing to the top of a cathedral. Once there Mickey leaps off the roof and lands on a goat leaving his trusty scooter behind. He races back into the barn whence the goats came from and manages to find all of the croissants. Unfortunately, Mickey knocks them all over the area and has to scoop them up JUST when the customers are almost going to blow a gasket.

I personally thing having an episode entirely in French is a bad idea because the idea is trying to make Mickey for a modern world. We had one great one with him and the crew speaking the King’s speak (English), then we had no dialogue in the last episode, and now we have one all in French?? Why?? Why would you take a premise and make it entirely in a non-English speaking country. Next time, let’s open up the cafe in Brooklyn or something…Here’s hoping the next one makes more sense.

7 out of 10