The Team Unicorn Pilot for Adult Swim is definitely/maybe animated

We try to sort through this subtle debacle.


Seth Green has been a busy mofo as of late. Just this past weekend his studio put together the Simpsons couch gag. Then last week Adult Swim announced new Seth/Stoopid Buddy pilots including Ubervision, RC/DC Special part II, and Team Unicorn. If you remember from the press release, that latter series Team Unicorn was listed as a live-action/animated series.

Well, turns out that the last bit of info was inaccurate according to the Team Unicorn Twitter page that the press release had bad info and that Team Unicorn IS an animated show NOT a live action show:

It’s bad information-it IS an animated show, not a live action show.-@teamunicornftw

Good to know! Also, people have been asking me, but yes the name of the next iteration of Aqua Teen IS confirmed by Adult Swim to be Aqua TV Show Show. Some fake outlets are reporting otherwise, so keep it locked here because we only speak the truth, yo!