Review: The Looney Tunes Show “Gribbler’s Quest”

Spoilers Below

Daffy LOVES buying stuff online at the expense of Bugs, but its getting a big much. As a result Bugs decides to start sending shit back so as to make some cash and forbids Daffy from getting any more packages. One of the items that were purchased is a portable game console and Bugs gets hooked to it right away. Speaking of hooked, Daffy starts sending his packages to Sam’s house, but the homeowner thinks there are bigger problems here than just having random packages sent to his front door. Turns out, Daffy really is addicted to Bugs’ computer and as such starts to go through withdrawals. He can’t stand it anymore, so he tries to hit up Bug’s computer in the middle of the night to get the latest deal, only to get turned down yet again.

To deal with his addiction, Daffy decides to go to group therapy which ends with Daffy hugging it out with Sam. While Bugs’ addiction starts to hit, Daffy tells Tina all about his experiences at group….as a matter of fact Daffy likes telling everyone about his group therapy including a presently bathing Porky Pig! Soon, Daffy starts being the neighborhood hero by sending Tina a bunch of flowers, helping old ladies with their groceries, and just being an all around nice guy. Bugs, on the other hand, is borderline insane and his game is starting to cause him mental problems.  Daffy decides to stage a mini-intervention for Bugs, but turns out the famed Bunny already played through the game which causes Daffy to relapse on his group therapy and come to the grips that his online shopping wasn’t a problem.

Merrie Melodies


Daffy’s Float

I’m not sure if anyone knows how to make fun of addictions better than South Park, but this week’s episode of Looney Tunes was very entertaining. Again, these writers do it the best when they interwoven two plots together, not A plot STOP then B plot STOP rather its just melded together. I do think the songs as an interruption although I am sure they are watching a show like Phineas and Ferb and are thinking otherwise, but I always felt the songs detracted from that series as well. I would probably prefer animated shorts like the gold old days versus the random songs that pop up. That said, this week’s Looney Tunes Show was very funny with laugh out loud moments like Bugs’ eyes protruding from his head or when Daffy tries to go off like a hero and help out all his neighbors. Yep, this one is definitely looney!