Review: The Cleveland Show ‘Who Done Did It’


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Cleveland wasn’t too crazy about Arianna humiliating his wife at a local community function so he decides to take matters into his own hands by egging her house.  Donna loves this, so she convinces her husband to do a few more hits to help settle some scores for her.  Unfortunately, Cleveland’s last caper lands Lydia Waterman dead and it isn’t long before he is thrown in the slammer.

Freight Train, Rallo, and Junior are teaming up to try and clear Cleveland’s name. We find out that Lydia had an allergic reaction, but when confronting her first suspect she looks to be a victim of a break-in and robbery of peanut oil that was said to be used for the murder.  Turns out Lloyd Waterman was behind the whole thing and that he staged the murder so that he can abscond with his gay lover. Freight Train and the kids decide to write a book based on the mystery and one year later they get Cleveland out of jail.

Anyone probably could have guessed the ending mainly because I think Mrs. Waterman has been very seldom used throughout the Cleveland Show tenure, so naming her husband in the murder seemed almost a bit too obvious. Granted, the motive was a bit of a surprise, but that’s it. The plot itself was somewhat cliche, as Brian/Stewie, and Lisa Simpson have done a thousand mystery story lines all with similar outcomes. ‘And Then There Were Fewer’ is a good example of an animated mystery done rather well, this week’s episode of Cleveland Show wouldn’t even appease the Hardy Boys crowd.

6.5 out of 10