English Dub Review: Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines “I Suppose It’s a Bit Too Early for Goodbye”


The Literature Club makes it through their last School Festival with Koto and Shintaro.


And so ends the Chika portion of this show…I think? It at least resolves everything with Chika, Koto, and Shintaro, with Chika getting one last sort of confession in before fully taking on the role as president of the Literature Club, a well as Koto getting a bit of a moment with Kazuhiko about how Chika’s initial confession actually helped her to get the courage to talk things out with Shintaro, which…is kind of wholesome in a weird way. And considering he would’ve been graduating right alongside Koto, it’s clear that how things are resolved is pretty much the best case scenario, something that does not always happen when a friend confesses feelings for another within a friend group. More typically it is a LOT more awkward and the dynamic is pretty much irreparably changed. Though other than that, which is more saved for the latter third of the runtime, this episode is pretty much just about school festival vibes more than anything else. Which does make sense, seeing as they were building up to this for a few episodes now, and having a school festival with senior students is a good way to show how some characters are maturing while others are moving on.

So, with two episodes left, and all the main girls having gotten further resolution to their initial rejected crushes from the beginning of the series, where does it look like this series is headed to wrap things up, even if it is just for now? Well, even that is hard to say, other than Chika starting her position as the Literature Club’s president with Kazuhiko as her VP. Anna and Lemon seem to have pretty much completed their arcs for at least this season, but there’s probably at least something for them to figure out in the next couple episodes. Kazuhiko has become a good friend to all of them as they’ve struggled with unfulfilled love lives, though thankfully it doesn’t look like he’ll be trying to pursue any of them as a love interest, which is good because it is WAY too early for that, assuming it is EVER appropriate. But that still leaves the question of what the heck this show is going to do with about forty minutes left to play around with. Well, I think we’ve done enough speculating, and the best we can do is just wait and see what happens next week.