English Dub Review: Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian “Birthday Party, Much Belated”


Kuze is having trouble studying for exams until Alya decides to wager a favor on how well he does. When Alya discovers she wasn’t invited to celebrate Masachika’s birthday, she spends several days questioning just how close they are.

Our Take

As exams approach, Alya makes a playful bet with Kuze, promising to grant him a wish if he places within the top 30. When he casually mentions that his birthday passed months ago, Alya is disappointed she wasn’t invited, and Kuze explains that birthdays aren’t celebrated in his family. Seeing her disappointment, he suggests a belated celebration just for the two of them. During the outing, they discuss upcoming school events, with Kuze giving Alya advice on navigating a competitive situation. Throughout the day, Alya surprises him with thoughtful gestures that reveal her growing affection.

The episode also highlights an encounter between Kuze’s family and Alya’s, with his grandfather making a memorable impression. The playful dynamic between Kuze and Alya continues to deepen, catching the attention of those around them. There are also moments of levity, with comedic interactions that balance the episode’s more serious undertones. Kuze, meanwhile, faces an awkward family reunion, hinting at unresolved issues that may resurface later on.

Overall, this episode strikes a great balance between light-hearted banter and deeper character moments. The chemistry between Kuze and Alya continues to grow, showing new layers of their relationship. The introduction of Kuze’s family adds depth, setting up more potential for character development and romantic progression in future episodes.