English Dub Season Review: Gods’ Games We Play Season One



In a world of idle gods, humans are forced into brain challenges with them. With three defeats, humans lose their right to challenge, while 10 victories spell triumph. Fay, determined to achieve the impossible, enters the ultimate test of wits against the gods. Will he defy divinity or is he just another loss in the making?

Our Take:

This show might have been the biggest example of “advertisement for the source material” I’ve seen in a long time. I’m not sure if it did that job well enough for me but someone out there might have been drawn in with this series. This was a fun series, not great or bad but fun which is more than you can say for a lot of other series.

The main voice cast for this anime was a lot of VAs I haven’t heard much from yet. Ryan Negron does the voice of Fay and Trisha Mellon voices the former Goddess Leoleshea. There are plenty of big-name VAs that have cameo roles but Brynn Apprill voices Pearl Diamond who joins the team later. That’s another thing you’ll notice from this series. The names of some of the characters are wild, like Nel Reckless and Dax Gear Scimitar. I don’t know what their parents were thinking but those are some of the strangest names I’ve ever seen.

When the characters enter a new game there is usually a mystery to it. The rules are spelled out for them sure but there is almost always some sort of wrinkle to the game they need to figure out. Normally I like mysteries that need solving but this show doesn’t do the best job of giving the viewer clues to figure it out themselves.

As I said, Gods’ Games We Play isn’t a bad series but I wouldn’t recommend it. It doesn’t do anything special and I will forget most of the characters a month after watching. I’ve watched a lot of anime in the past seven years and can’t remember all of them and I have a feeling this one will fall into that camp as well. If this gets a second season that might change but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.