English Dub Review: Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction “Episode 5”


In a flashback to their childhood, Kadode and Ouran first become friends as they meet an alien who warns of a possible future invasion.


Huh, well this took a bit of an odd turn, didn’t it? If we think back to the end of last episode, an invader in a seemingly dead person’s body put Ouran in some sort of weird state, and now we’re here looking at how she and Kadode first befriended one another. A couple possibilities arise: one is that an alien is implanting memories in her that familiarize her with aliens more in order to make them easier to become part of Earth’s society, but that seems like a long shot. The other, more likely, possibility is that, for some reason, these memories of meeting an alien as children were somehow repressed or sealed away, which would then explain why neither of them reference it now that aliens have become much more relevant to their modern day life. And is this alien the one they met all those years ago? Well, considering where this episode leaves off, it looks like we’re not done with the flashback yet, so we’ll probably get answers for that next time before we get back to the present. But it is presenting a lot of new and intriguing wrinkles that will hopefully be explained properly as we enter the second third of the series.

As with any full episode long flashback, we see characters prior to major changes that led them to being who we initially met them as. In this case, we see that Kadode was actually the weirder kid while Ouran fit in a lot better with others, at least until she started hanging out with Kadode and the bullying of the other kids targeted her as well. But when the two of them meet a proper alien, who seems to be pretty good at talking like a human, the two begin their soon to be legendary friendship as they mess around with his gadgets and even inspire some local boys to become active members in their community. We also see Kadode’s dad pre-temporary death and Ouran’s brother before he gained a ton of wait, when he was apparently a total heartthrob with the girls at his school. Man, gaining a few pounds will really change people’s perception of you, huh. But yeah, as mentioned, there’s still clearly some missing pieces we haven’t gotten yet, and while this episode ends on some happy kid shenanigans flying around with alien head propellers, we seem to be headed towards some bigger, possibly tragic turn, so we’ll see how that shakes out next time.