Review: Star Wars: The Bad Batch “Juggernaut”


The clone assassin CX-2 takes Omega to Tantiss, where she is held with the rest of the Project Necromancer kids. Back on Pabu, Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair use Phee’s ship work to find Rampart, who has been sent to a labor camp since being humiliated in front of the senate last season. He tells them he can find a way to get to Tantiss.


After the gut punch that was last episode, I naturally expected the remaining four episodes to hold that emotional high for the rest of the series. Maybe that was too much to ask for, because this week was just another episode that felt…okay. Not bad by any means, but you could definitely feel the functional need of the story over the form, if that makes sense. We need an episode showing Omega getting to Tantiss and the other clones looking for a way to get there too. Okay, fine, totally get the reason for that. I guess my problem is more…well, I’m just not all that impressed by it? Maybe that’s not the point for right now and the final three episodes will land better, but having it all come down to just getting the remaining Bad Batch to find Rampart leaves me wanting more. Heck, it actually took me a second to even REMEMBER who Rampart was and how he ended up there, and that’s after I binged all of both previous seasons, where he was more or less the main antagonist for a good portion. Makes sense to bring him back for the closing arc of the show with that in mind, but it still feels like something is missing. Someone specific.

Yeah, it’s weird that Echo, and to a lesser extent Rex, didn’t show up this week. We haven’t seen either of them since the seventh episode, and I have little doubt that they’ll make an appearance later, but their presence is most certainly noticeable here. I guess it’s good that we get to see Crosshair proving himself as being fully back on the team to Hunter and Wrecker, since Omega’s been advocating for him since they got back. His character arc is just about complete at this point, with the only part really remaining is going back to Tantiss and overcoming his fear of the place in order to save Omega, while Hunter and Wrecker don’t really have any need to grow anymore. I don’t have a whole lot to mention about Omega this week, but I’m sure we’ll get some more info about Project Necromancer next time, even though we all know it’s to keep Palpatine alive, but maybe there’s more to the exact way they’re accomplishing that. Anyway, down to the final three episodes of the series, so let’s see how they wrap it all up! Five bucks says everybody dies except Crosshair, but maybe they’ll all end up going down together. Oh! Maybe the assassin IS Tech, but HE kills them all and then only remembers himself right after!