Review: Grimsburg “Camp Slasher”


Flute and the team get the campy horror movie experience when, after a series of counselors are found murdered, they attempt to make the town’s summer camp slasher-proof; Harmony tries to get Stan outdoors and away from screens.

Our Take

When this week’s episode sliced and diced the opening, I was pretty excited. That was until “Camp Slasher” started to show a lull in its plot that was coming off more as a mush than anything else which really is where this series goes wrong most of the time. Grimsburg kind of does this thing where each and every week it’s trying to be more Family Guy with the one-liners, lewd jokes and silly plot beats that take precedent over developing humor from characters and somewhat authentic stories.

By far the B-plot was a bit more bountiful in its execution. I love the premise of a series trying to find sympathy with parents trying to relate to their kids whose nose is buried in their devices or constantly playing games. It’s certainly a lot better than the unoriginal spoofs that Brooklyn Nine-Nine already went over with a fine-tooth comb with and in a far funnier fashion because that series didn’t hold anything back. Grimsburg needs to be more than Jon Hamm yelling at everyone, “Look at me!”. The art direction is actually pretty spot-on, especially in this week’s episode, and Patton Oswalt’s guest appearance is a perfect counterbalance to Hamm’s few note cadence. But, the series needs a lot of help in the writing department.