English Dub Review: The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic “Unhinged?! The Black Knight Appears!”


Usato, Kazuki, and Suzune finally set foot on their first battlefield. The conflict is harrowing enough as it is for all of them, but reports of a terrifying foe among the demon army have Usato in particular shaking in his boots…

Our Take

The long-awaited war against the Demon King’s army has finally begun! Plunging Usato and his comrades into the harsh realities of battle. Amidst the chaos, Usato demonstrates his courage and prowess by valiantly rescuing injured troops while searching for his classmates. Meanwhile, Suzune and Kazuki, fighting as heroes on the front lines, encounter a formidable foe known as “The Black Knight”. Despite their efforts, they find themselves outmatched and facing imminent danger, prompting them to devise strategies to survive the relentless assaults.

As the battle intensifies, Usato faces the challenge of rescuing his classmates while navigating through the chaos of combat. Similarly, Suzune and Kazuki find themselves outmatched by the Black Knight, forcing them to devise strategies to confront this powerful adversary. Despite their efforts, the odds seem insurmountable, leaving Usato to question whether or not he can prevent those future visions he received from becoming a reality…

Overall, the episode maintains a suspenseful pace, depicting the brutal ugliness of warfare and the challenges faced by the characters in their desperate fight against the Demon King’s army. They’ve only been summoned for a month and already sent into battle. However, Usato’s inability to share his future visions with Rose raises questions about their potential utility in the ongoing conflict. With only two episodes remaining, the revelation of a secret taught by Rose to Usato hints at potential plot developments that could shape the outcome of the war, yet I’m curious if that secret will have a major payoff in the last two episodes.