English Dub Review: Love Flops “No Balls! N-No Dick Either…”


An alien craft attacks the city and begin making all the boys smooth as Ken dolls, so Karin reveals herself to be a magical girl whose powers are charged by doing lewd things with Asahi, naturally. But when Asahi refuses, he tells her that he doesn’t think she actually loves him, and that having sex should be with people you love, which ends up doing the job in powering her up to save the day. Afterwards, her usually forward nature has changed to be more demure and shy.


It’s my first review of the year and ooooooh we’re half way there. Six episodes down and six to go, with every girl in the harem now having gotten their own spotlight episode. Bringing up the rear is Karin, who I finally have a reason to know the name of. And seemingly in an attempt to surpass the craziness of last week’s episode with Mongfa, international super spy, Karin is now a god damn magical girl who is powered by going to second base. There’s having some heightened reality and then there’s jumping headfirst into a whole different genre, which is pretty bold to do halfway through a twelve episode show. In fact, it almost seems like the show is adding things on the fly to…I don’t know, keep someone distracted? Or that maybe there’s something not quite right in the world in this show…but that can’t be it right? I’m definitely not hinting at anything larger happening in this story just because I know what the BIG TWIST later on is. Definitely not, no siree. I mean. We’re fifty percent through the show, so that twist should really start working its way into the story soon, but noooooo I’m sure it’s got nothing to do with what’s happening.

…damn, only two hundred words. Okay, well, I guess now that all of the girls have gotten an episode to themselves, let’s go over what we’ve learned about each of them thus far and where they are in the race. Aoi still seems to be in the lead, mainly because she got her episode first AND her hair color matches the obscured girl seen in the Opening. She also seems like the one who has pulled back on her aggressive flirting, making her definitely the more sensible option in my book. Amelia…knows how to read kanji now, for whatever that’s worth. Ilya and/or Irina has shed her imposed male identity and is free to be her real self away from the shadow of her father’s expectations. Mongfa, as said, was revealed to be a former assassin, and still technically my favorite out of the group. And lastly, Karin is revealed to be a magical girl and also I guess realizing that she has genuine feelings for Asahi. And all of them have had flashes of memories of Asahi as a kid, almost as if they all came from the same person but each of them have them. To be expanded further.