English Dub Review: Hell’s Paradise: “Dreams and Reality”


Overview: Shion (Reagan Murdock) and Nurugai (Cassie Ewulu) join Sagiri (Marisa Duran), Senta (Jordan Dash Cruz) and Yuzuriha (Jill Harris) in taking down Mu Dan’s freaky, floral form. Meanwhile, Gabimaru (Alejandro Saab) awakes from his deep slumber with a condition caused by his extreme use of Tao. 

Our Take: The final push against Mu Dan succeeds in scratching that climactic, team-up itch. Everyone gets their little moment to shine, but the real stars of the show are Senta and Shion. Shion’s vast improvements in sensing Tao is impressive, but Senta’s knowledge of flowers is what truly comes into clutch. It’s a sweet way of making Senta’s real passion an asset to the team, allowing Shion to strike the killing blow.

An attempt to humanize Mu Dan is made within his final, fleeting moments. However, it comes off as half-hearted and inconsequential considering how little exploration he has received thus far. Unfortunately, the battle isn’t without its consequences or casualties as Senta succumbs to his wounds in a heartbreaking final scene. The beauty of Yuzuriha is her understanding of his identity crisis, lulling Senta into a peaceful albeit bittersweet demise. 

Although it’s glossed over rather quickly, Senta’s death is impactful in how it pushes Sagiri’s compassion for others forward. The gang’s retreat to a nearby house focuses on how uniquely defined Sagiri’s relationships are with specific Asaemon. While others may challenge her authority, like Genji, Shion is the polar opposite. He is a calming presence in how respectful and lighthearted his rapport is with her.  

Shion and Sagiri’s conversation excellently conveys the nature of her relationship with Gabimaru. Gabimaru’s resiliently kind heart, despite being a gruesome murderer, serves as the foundation for Sagiri’s admiration. It also speaks volumes of Sagiri’s own warm, accepting soul and the true strength Gabimaru saw in her. 

Calling into question Gabimaru’s mental competence is a thought-provoking conundrum to throw into the mix. The possibility of Yui being a figment of his imagination is a harsh reality, but, in all actuality, a smart character building tool. Yui’s still at the core of Gabimaru’s heart, acting as a loving confirmation of not only her existence, but the very real love between them. New Asaemon in pursuit to the island, along with Gabimaru’s mental setback, acts as an exciting final closer and set-up for season two.