English Dub Review: Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear “Bear, Knowing of Nobles”



Misana invites Yuna and Fina to the Farrengram house for her birthday party. Yuna is reluctant at first, but she decides to try and make an effort to get a better understanding of the nobles. There is much to get ready and very little time!

Our Take:

This put into perspective what it might be like to say no to a birthday invite. Sure, we might not want to go but when someone takes the time to invite you to their birthday that means it’s probably important to them that you be there. When I get invited to things I always want to say no but this definitely gave me a little lesson when it comes to that.

Misana is one of the royal family and invited Yuna and Fina to be at her birthday party. At first, they were going to say no but after having a discussion with some of their noble friends they decided to go. Something tells me that saying no to a royals birthday party would be especially bad.

Yuna enlisted the service of Sherry from a couple of episodes ago to help make some bear plushies based on her bears. I think that will be the perfect gift for a girl especially because I’m pretty sure she loves those bears. Most of this episode was them traveling but the party will properly start next episode. I love cute episodes like this.