English Dub Review: Lycoris Recoil “Repay evil with evil”


Chisato breaks the news that she will shut down Café LycoReco so that Mizuki and Kurumi do not get caught up in her personal affairs. Around the same time, Takina, who returned to DA, uses Majima as a stepping-stone to track down Yoshimatsu in order to save Chisato’s life. They finally capture Majima’s client and infiltrate their hideout…!?

Our Take

A lot happening within this episode. The cafe closes down, Takina goes back to the Lycoris, and Mizuki and Kurumi leaving, plus Majima puts his plan into action, and Chisato learns the truth. At the very least despite Mika coming clean to her on why her heart operation happened in the first place. I liked how Chisato doesn’t regret her choices after learning why she was saved at a young age and even considers both Mika and Yoshimatsu as her two dads, even if they have clashing intentions/ideals on what kind of future Chisato should have. And Chisato came to terms with this realizing that she lived a better life outside of D.A. than that of a killer, and she’s thankful to Mika for giving her the ability to make her own choices.

There’s even a brutal interrogation scene with Takina who’s able to easily put the pieces together moreso than her own incompetent superiors within D.A. who are at such an extreme disadvantage regarding Majima’s master plan that they have to call Chisato just to bring down Majima at the radio tower where it all began in her origin story, but now Chisato’s priority is to save Yoshimatsu who just so happens to be kidnapped by Majima. and confront him for the sake of closure…

Overall a very tense episode that attempts to push multiple subplots at once, and manages to find a proper balance of emotional weight while carefully approaching these multiple routes and perspectives. I can’t wait to see how Chisato confronts Yoshimatsu as the show is desperately waving a death on Chisato for the sake of closure while she and Mika ready themselves against Majima, but All I can say is that good luck wrapping all of this shit up within 3 episodes.