English Dub Review: Requiem of the Rose King “It should still be in time now.”

Overview (Spoilers Below):
Buckingham plots revolt as Richard waits for him in York, torn between romantic and familial affection. A growing web of conspirators accelerates events beyond their control.

Our Take:
It’s inevitable that the relationship between Richard and Buckingham wouldn’t last as long as the former’s previous ones. I mean, Buckingham did do plenty of shady stuff throughout the Shakespearean journey. So it should be no surprise that sending James to murder Richard is one of them.
Meanwhile, Richard finally arrives in York to introduce himself as their new king while he reminisces the moment his father died in battle. Unfortunately, his celebration in his old home doesn’t last very long, as he encounters James, who wants to know Richard before executing him. Richard eventually discovers through Buckingham’s letter that his lover will plan a revolt against him unless he gives up the throne and meets him in the woods. It’s pretty evident in this case that Buckingham refuses to let Richard have his glory as king.
Even worse is that Queen Elizabeth’s boys have disappeared, resulting in Richard telling Catesby to spread a rumor that they’re dead. Honestly, I would prefer for them to stay gone since the faces they made while talking about killing Richard were as terrifying as their mother’s. She must be very proud of birthing such devious children like them. Additionally, Richard’s beloved wife Anne is feeling unwell, which could mean she’ll be the next character to be axed off before the finale. On the bright side, Richard’s son Edward becomes a prince, so at least some good news can come out of his miserable day.
But, of course, there’s one last bit of bad news that makes his day even more miserable. As Richard is about to depart to meet with Buckingham, he receives word that Buckingham’s troops are already on their way to York. Buckingham also heard from Stanley that Richard’s troops were coming for him. However, neither one sent their respective soldiers against each other, meaning someone else had stealthily called the shots. I’m guessing that Richmond is behind it all?
This Shakespearean series still knows how to keep me on the edge of my seat with its shocking cliffhangers, and this episode is another great example of that element. Along with its animation and character-driven moments, including the brief conversation between Anne and Richard, “It should still be in time now.” is a compelling start to a potential war the two lovers have unknowingly started. If only Buckingham would control his jealousy instead of letting it control him.