English Dub Review: Teasing Master Takagi-san 3: “Fan / Bewilder Ball / Cat Rescue / Rain”


Overview: Takagi (Sarah Wiedenheft) challenges Nishikata (Aaron Dismuke) to a fan and baseball challenge with him helping her out during a rainy day. Also, Yukari (Kristen McGuire), Mina (Maggie Flecknoe) and Sanae (Kristi Rothrock)take a quick moment to help out a cat in need in a bind so to speak. 

Our Take: Nishikata’s attempts at teasing Takagi-san are relentless as we have all learned. Well, so has Takagi of course in how easily she manipulates him into challenging her and eventually outsmarting him. At this point, you think the formula would get old but it is fun to see how clever she is in twisting the rules of a challenge that even I do not always consider. The fan challenge is a prime example of this with her thinking outside the box, not for some petty comeuppance but simply to get closer to Takagi.

Nishikata’s fan love for baseball manga hilariously turns into, you guessed it, a challenge issued by Takagi. Nishikata letting his imagination run wild with him emulating the melodramatic tendencies of sports manga is adorkable, continuing to show how much of a kid he is. It is also funny and sweet how Takagi continues to use challenges to get to know his interests and play more mock-up games. 

In a quick aside, Yukari, Mina and Sanae helping a cat out of a tight alley is a fun, in-between romp, eventually realizing it was all for nothing in the cat not actually being stuck, showing their minorly charming misfortune. 

Nisikata’s ultimate nerdiness motivates him to get the last umbrella from the lost and found and his butt home in time to catch a crossover episode in classic nerdy anime special fashion. However, of course the only other thing ever on his mind is Takagi and the joy comes from how much he worries about her not bringing an umbrella. If Nishikata going back to school to walk Takagi home under his umbrella is not “aww” inducing I do not know what is. Of course, Takagi recognizes that he worried about her along with the fact that he came despite wanting to watch his anime, making it very wholesome. It also allows for a cute final teasing with him being plain about doing it again.