
“Food PBBFT! Truck”

SpongeBob and Squidward try to sell Krabby Patties from a food truck in the darkest depths of the ocean.

“Upturn Girls”

Pearl and Narlene have a whales’ day out in the big city…

Our Take

For the first episode, much of the humor comes from Mr. Crabs’ hair-brained scheme of having to sell his Crabby Patties via food truck, with Squidward behind the wheel. Due to a series of interferences, they proceed to go to a ghost-town-like area in the ocean called “Rock Bottom” with hilarious consequences…

As for the other one, the humor is your by-the-numbers “Fish out of water” scenario when the recurring characters Narlene and Nobby come to visit Spongebob and being the friendly Narwhal people despite the being slightly hillbilly-like people they both are, Narleen desire to explore the city with Pearl offering to take her to her favorite upper-class place while Nobby helps Spongebob at the Krusty Krab with hilarious consequences.

Overall, both episodes were as passable and weird as you’d come to expect from Spongebob’s bizarre style of humor. The Food Truck story has been done in a lot of other cartoons including King of the Hill, so it was interesting to see how Spongebob would delve into this particular subject given the rise and popularity of Food Trucks have become within certain locations and populated areas.

As for the other episode, despite it being more Pearl-focused, it was wacky while delving into the subject of classism when Narlene wasn’t able to fit in amongst the upper-class elites that Pearl Ironically aspired to be up to a certain point when she recognized how dismissive and rude when everyone within that Mall seemed to be when they only cared about whether or not they had money. But at least the ending gave me a small chuckle…