Review: It’s Pony “Pony Almighty; Annie the Influencer”


“Pony Almighty”

Pony unearths a relic with an etching that seems to suggest he’s an ancient god of mischief.

“Annie the Influencer”

When Annie gets obsessed with a new social media app, Pony needs to do whatever it takes to bring her back to break the spell.

Our Take
For the first episode, much of the humor comes from Pony trying to understand what he’s good at, and for the most part, it’s played for laughs due to a series of comedic mishaps where a museum links Pony to being the possible reincarnation of a god from another time period which makes the proceedings even wackier, of course, we learn by the end it’s not what we expect…

As for the 2nd episode, the heart of the story delves into social media addiction as Annie becomes addicted to an app to the point that she starts to become out of touch with reality until Pony proceeds to help her out of it in his own twisted way…

Overall, both episodes were passable even if one of them left me flabbergasted by Pony’s idiocy. The first was mostly jokes about Pony attempting to find something that makes him unique which hilariously backfire through physical comedy. While the other raised lots of questions about how Pony was able to help Annie out of her situation while taking a satirical jab at the addictive and predatory nature of certain online apps while the explanations behind how Pony was capable of pulling off certain things left me with more than a few headaches…