Review: Interrogator “Always More Blood”

The grim darkness of the 41st millenium has been depicted in many forms, including shows like Hammer and Bolter. Warhammer 40K has mostly been rooted in the various wars of Tyrranids, Orks, T’au, and the Legions of Chaos, but there has never been a boots on the ground look into life during the 41st Millenium. And that’s where Interrogator’s first episode comes in. If you’re a fan of Games Workshop’s Necromunda game, Interrogator is right up your alley.

The animation in prior Warhammer 40K efforts have been very flashy and colorful, just to convey the universe of the Imperium. Interrogator has the look and feel of a 1930’s film noir cop film, if the cop was a drug addicted interrogator. To say the Interrogator has seem some stuff is an understatement for sure. All of this is conveyed with some of the crispest animation I’ve seen come from Warhammer TV.

“Always More Blood” dumps you right into the shoes of our currently nameless Interrogator. The intro is a drug fueled flashback into some of the Interrogator’s more nefarious deeds prior to the start of the show, including the murder of a homeless group of people. Once Interrogator starts off properly, we get nothing. This is the staple of a great film noir story, and the biggest draw for Interrogator.

Interrogator‘s story properly begins with the Interrogator getting some unwanted guests, including Alexa, who was the messenger of the man who supplied the Interrogator with mental suppressants named Aedo. She wasn’t long for this world, and died pretty quickly after. The Interrogator fights surprisingly well for a drug addicted washed up man. I’d love to see this man on point.

The episode winds down with an old friend of the Interrogator, named Baldur, coming back into the Interrogator’s life, saying that he’s got a lead on Bellona. This last sentence put a huge cliffhanger on an episode that could have very well been a slow end.

There’s a lot to take in for Interrogator. If you need your hand held and to be told every single plot point heading into the start of the series, Interrogator is not for you. However, if you want a gritty, film noir, old school detective story, You got yourself a winner in Interrogator.