Review: It’s Pony “Annie VS. Pony/Get Sapphire”


“Annie VS. Pony”
Annie enters Pony in a “best pet” competition, but Pony’s got other ideas and enters a pet of his own…

“Get Sapphire”
Annie and Pony are desperate to read the latest installment of a fantasy trilogy, but can’t get their hands on a copy…..

Our Take

For the first episode, much of the humor primarily comes from miscommunication. And much of that miscommunication stems from Pony refusing to acknowledge himself as a “pet” to Annie, while in a separate subplot, two of his friends just so happen to be in a separate convention from the pet competition. But as chaotic wacky hijinx ensues, the two separate stories slowly come together with some comedic payoff and a foreshadowing twist that slowly builds up until near the end.

As for the 2nd episode, much of the humor is built around a series of trade-ups between other characters for the sake of advancing the story, yet it felt like it was taking subtle satirical jabs at J.K. Rowling as it not only references a popular book series built around magic, but it even goes as far as to poke fun of how the author herself openly hates her fanbase and pokes fun of the cliche “tortured artist” persona whose source of creativity is having to be miserable in order to create something people enjoy.

Overall, both were passable episodes. The first one was a slow burn, as it took a while for the jokes to work and the foreshadowing twist to make sense, while the other moved at a very brisk pace. Yet the satire was a bit on the nose when it came to taking jabs at a specific child author and the weird shit they often do when it comes to their own fandom or the weird-ass requirements they put themselves through just to get into their creative head-space.