English Dub Review: Heaven Official’s Blessing “Scorpion-Tailed Snake Shadow”



The sandstorm rages, but Xie manages to gather everyone using his magical silk. They take refuge in a cave and discover some traveling merchants. While there they are attacked by some scorpion-tailed cobras, one bites a man and another manages to sting Xie. There is an herb in a nearby cursed town that can cure them but few return…

Our Take:

Well, this definitely raised the stakes and gave a little bit of something for everyone. Yaoi fans were sure to enjoy this episode with Hua attempting to suck the venom out of Xie’s hand. If that doesn’t get your heart pumping then I don’t know what will.

When it comes to the action, there was only a bit at the beginning with Xie trying to find his way out of the storm. His magical silk is pretty cool, it almost reminds me of Spider-Man’s webs. I suppose there was some action escaping from the cobras but not too much. But seriously if snakes like that existed in real life I wouldn’t know what to do. I am already not the biggest fan of snakes so adding a scorpion tail into the mix is just a big nope from me.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger with two women following them into the haunted village. My money is at least one of them is the girl he caught a glimpse of before the sandstorm hit. From the sounds of it though she is more on the villain side of things I am excited for a potential female character to have an impact.

Heaven Official’s Blessing has been moving at a pretty good pace. I would like to see or know more from our “mysterious” other lead but time will tell I suppose. He did reveal a bit of a cool power that I would definitely like to see more of, maybe next week!