English Dub Review: Restaurant to Another World “Beefsteak; Creampuff”


Vampires are served steak, a servant is served a creampuff.


Look, I understand that this show is meant to be sort of an ASMR sort of deal that is just about showing relaxed characters in a relaxed setting to relax the audience. But, I don’t know if it’s just me, but the Creampuff section got a little difficult to get through mainly because of how softly the characters were speaking. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t qualify as an actual critique (not that I really know how to critique a series like this), but it honestly made me kinda uncomfortable, but I am aware that is entirely down to my weird hang ups, not anything to do with the show itself. As for what the show is actually trying to do, it is definitely showing off very delicious looking food in a fantasy setting with fantasy characters. You can really buy that this mysterious restaurant is a popular area that all of these fantasy people are completely surprised and enraptured by with how they can order all these foods and drinks that seem normal to us at home but are totally strange and alien to them. That gimmick is absolutely getting across and very prevalent in the two episodes I have seen so far and will likely continue to be that for the rest of the season.

The first part with the steak seemed to be hiding the fact that the customers were vampires as if it were some sort of twist, but all it did was make me a little confused why the fact that these two looked so tired was so visually apparent. Plus, I imagine that there are a lot of good jokes you can get out of bringing in two vampires into a fancy restaurant. Like maybe they order more bloody meat or even something alive but the staff have to talk them down from it. Sometimes an easy going attitude and tone like the one this show is going for doesn’t always give them the best comedic opportunities is what I’m saying. And as for the creampuff segment, aside from my weird personal auditory issues, is that it seems to be showing how the influence of this restaurant is leading lots of people to from different classes to share the wondrous and strange foods. Which is a nice thought to see that great food can tear down those barriers. Perhaps more of that sort of thing to come?