Review: 9 Years to Neptune “Truth Serum”



RJ starts an on-board radio station to spout his conspiracy theories. He and Natalie are locked in a battle as to whether or not you are wet when you’re underwater. Meanwhile, a mysterious love note is found on the ship. Suzy is desperate to find out who it’s to and from…

Our Take

In RJ’s subplot, he begins to spew out his conspiracy theorist drivel on a Radio Show he runs within the ship that feels very Alex Jones-like in its execution yet it’s almost reminiscent of a previous episode. Given the nonsensical backward-thinking nature of RJ’s drivel, it reaches the point of getting under Natalie’s skin on his small radio show. Especially with one of the stupidest arguments about water I’ve ever heard. It’s up there with that absurd debate in the film Shaun of the Dead about whether or not dogs can look up…

What starts out as an innocuous letter progressively gets blown out of proportion with Suzy being determined to find out who it belongs to due to how damn vague the love letter kinda is with the way it’s written. Even worse, it felt a bit over the top with the way Suzy handled it which felt like she was sending invitations to prom, but compared to the “RJ Vs Natalie” subplot, the payoff to this was underwhelming.

Overall a good episode, but not perfect. For RJ’s subplot, the lesson was a bit on-point and gets the point across from a character you’d least expect to have a tidbit of wisdom when it comes to handling RJ’s nonsensical arguments. But at the very least, it ended on sort of a positive note, even if Suzy’s storyline a twist that left more to be desired…