IT’S WEBS DAY!!! With @dorkly, @ricepiratemick and @coughingdog!!!


High 5 Toons


Up first we got a little ditty from Dorkly. It seems to start like any other Mortal Kombat mod…Until Johnny Cage attempts to blow Jax. The artwork is to be expected with all the basic Mortal Kombat looks and feels, but its the humor that has this video, and Dorkly for that matter, firmly on my radar. These guys and gals are waaaaaay too funny. When phrases like “money-shot resistant glasses” and “Get me a dental dam and a welding torch, Bud. I’ve got some work to do.” make the final cut, you know you’ve got a hilarious video on your hands. Great, Great, Great!!!





Guns are obviously a pretty hot topic now-a-days. Thankfully, RicePirate came along with a little video logically describing the entire matter. And by “logically describe” I meant to say “gun vomiting, floating headed demi-God.” The art in this video is actually pretty nice. It has a bit of a new school anime feel. I like that, and I don’t even enjoy anime. ::Audible gasp from the crowd:: Not too many jokes in this show. But a Floating stone head that pukes pistols and rifles more than makes up for it. Good job!




Lastly we’ve got a cartoon style infomercial that’s kinda close to my heart from High 5 Toons. The reason it’s close to my heart is because we discussed an actual commercial just like this on our Radio Bubble Podcast! Custom Ink is the name of the company and for the life of me I can’t find the commercial that we tore apart, but it’s hilarious. That being said, lets focus on what High 5 has given us. The art is pretty basic. But basic helps this cartoon move along and, more importantly, helps sell more of the jokes. High 5 is able to point out how ridiculous infomercials sound almost flawlessly. And drawing Sarah Jessica Parker as a horse will never get old. Ever.





Speaking of Radio Bubble, There’s some BIG news coming down the line about this show! I can’t spoil all of the news, but the changes are all good and it looks amazing!! Can’t wait to get back my bros CybertronMessiah and JohnBlabber. I promise you that you don’t want to miss this. C’mon, when has ChefRich ever steered you wrong before???

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Alright you little Nerds and Nerdys, see you next week!!
