Review: Big Hero Six “A Fresh Sparkles; Noodle Burger Ploy”


“A Fresh Sparkles”

When the titular team encounters recurring villain Mr. Sparkles (Patton Oswalt) working at the Pizza Party-torium, he assures the team he’s giving up his criminal lifestyle.

“Noodle Burger Ploy”

Noodle Burger Boy and the other killer robot Mascots Abduct Fred Fredrickson from the Big Hero 6 Team and make a robot copy attempting to impersonate him…

Our Take

The first episode is Honey Lemon-focused with the running joke of her face being zoomed in an angry anime art style every time she tries to express rage, but much of it is her wanting to prove to the Team that she can be tough and not-so Naive due to her kind nature sometimes causing more problems when interacting with supervillains. Of course near the end of the story, the team realizes the error of their ways of putting so much pressure on Honey for not being tough, even if Go-Go is often the tough one of the group.

The second episode was mostly humorous yet continues the running joke of Fred being a simple-minded dolt who’s easily led astray when he opens a random email claiming he’s won a contest. You’d think if something like Craigslist or that “Nigerian Prince” shit existed in their universe they’d at least somewhat treat them like cautionary tales and be more cautious when making such  brash decisions, but at least the episode delivered in laughs.