Review: Big Hero 6 “Big Hero Battle/Go Go the Wooweroo”



“Big Hero Battle”

4 2 Sing, a famous Korean boy band made up of two sets of Twins, decides to be crime fighters and challenge Big Hero 6 to a superhero-off.

“Go Go the Wooweroo”

Go Go  Tamago reluctantly goes undercover as the co-host of Wendy Wower’s television show after the show’s host gets random letters that come off as death threats…

Our Take

The former episode was at some level a Wasabi focused with being funny during the proceedings as a starstruck fanboy to the band themselves but for the music aspect, it helps that 42 Sing are voiced by actual K-Pop singers to make the gimmick much more entertaining with Nichkhun Horvejkul (“2 PM”) as twins Dae and Hyun-Ki, and Jae Park (“DAY6”) as twins Kwang-Sun and Ye Joon.

The latter episode ,which is very Go Go-Focused, was also surprisingly fun as during the undercover mission we see a different yet unexpected side of Go-Go while going undercover to an educational Bill Nye-Inspired show under the name “Chelsey Cheery” which has some decent music tunes of her own during the proceedings and the twist ending even gave me a good laugh.

Overall, both were great episodes that both entertaining in different ways.