David A. Goodman(ex Family Guy/Allen Gregory) does interview with THR, mentions Murder Police

David A. Goodman(ex Family Guy/Allen Gregory) does interview with THR, mentions Murder Police

I’m starting to dig the Hollywood Reporter interviews. I mean, their reviews are halfway decent too but I don’t read them. However, this was pretty interesting coming across my RSS, that being an interview David Goodman did with the Hollywood Reporter. You can check it out, but the thing that I thought was interesting was that he mentions hes working on another animated show called “Murder Police” and he says this about it:

 I made a pilot for Fox called Murder Police. It’s an animated cop show that’s a comedy. The thinking behind it is that people have tried to do cop comedies for years and they almost always fail. Part of the reason is that unless it’s spoof-like, it’s very difficult to be funny if there’s a dead body on the floor. But you can do that in animation. A dead body can be funny in animation. So my thought was let’s treat the cop stuff less seriously — there will be a mystery or procedural but they’re animated characters. “

I think this is an interesting concept, that I think has a great chance in being picked up mainly because Fox has a bunch of experience with both animation(AniDom) as well as police shows(Cops) and this would give them the best of both worlds.