Cleveland’s idea to take Cleveland Jr. to a turkey farm to bag one for Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t fly with the young guy, who instead hatches a plan to free the birds. Meanwhile, Rallo and Donna team to construct a Thanksgiving Day float for Stoolbend’s parade, but artistic differences threaten to ground their entry.


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Junior’s having issues in taking part in a family tradition which would see the man of the house kill his first turkey of which will later be eaten by the family. The next day, Cleveland drugs his son and puts a rifle in his hand in an effort to make his son go, but when Cleveland decides to take the reigns and bag the bird, the bird instead fires back and hits the old man right in his sternum. Later at the hospital, Cleveland swears off killing turkeys which gets his son all happy all of which leads to the father and son duo picketing and making sure NO ONE kills turkeys! After hearing about a turkey hunt set to take place the next day, Junior and Cleveland sneak into the preserve and free every last one of the birds and leads them to a safe house.

Meanwhile, Rallo and Donna are getting ready to put together the Cadillac of floats for the Stoolbend parade. Turns out the parade is more of a contest and the bears make note that they plan on bringing home the bacon this year, much to the chagrin of Donna of whom had no idea about the high stakes. As a result, Donna throws away Rallo’s plans and decides to do her own take on a parade float. Later, Donna constructs a huge turkey float, but Rallo comes by and tries to paint all over it and add googly eyes. When Rallo tries to show his friends, he uncovers the blanket to find that Donna ruined his turkey and as such leads his pals on a chainsaw mission to take that fucker down! Donna is shocked to see how her turkey came out, and right away Rallo comes clean, but its cool cuz the Bears get their float burned down.

Cleveland needs to move the turkeys the next morning and as such decides to use Donna’s ruined turkey float to do it. Rallo finds out thinking his mother took the float in an effort to show off the display without any googly eyes, which is later followed closely by Lester of whom gets wind of the turkeys, and as a result both head to the parade. Rallo climbs up one of the parade floats and the turkeys go nuts and cause the float to fly away, but Cleveland is able to shoot it down with his trusty rifle. With Junior’s help, the turkeys give Rallo a smooth landing.

Our Take

And ANOTHER Thanksgiving episode for Cleveland Show?? I guess it’s OK, cuz the episode came out alright. That said, there weren’t that many laughs and everything felt really cliched with the plots. We’ve seen a hundred contest plots, so Rallo and Donna did not much for me there, and The Simpsons did bits and pieces of the main arc, but there were some good highlights in it that helped keep it a bit spicy. For one, I really liked the Johnny Cash montage early on in the episode, and the float gag with Stewie and Bart was a nice touch. That said, there wasn’t much sticking out for me in terms of laffy laughs.