Review: The Adventures of Kid Danger “Sticky Vicky”

Was this episode worth getting stuck-on?

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

With Ray as the school Chaperone, Henry’s field trip to the “Museum of Celebrity Garbage” is cut to an abrupt halt by the Titular thief, Sticky Vicky who’s bizarre superpower involves adhesive saliva in combination with her Spider-Man-like agility.

Our Take

Damn this was weird… While Sticky Vicky as a villain was competent in terms of a challenge for the Heroic leads, the highlight of this episode would have to be the museum itself which you’d think would come off as creepy or stalker-like given that this is crap celebrities thrown away that’s put on display such as Ariana Grande’s Red wig (Which becomes the plot McGuffin during the proceedings) or Katy Perry’s coconut bra, etc.

While it doesn’t explain how celebrities don’t find any of this objectionable or how it’s even legal to dig into their trash, but It felt like a drinking game for the writers just to see how many Celebrity names they can cram into one episode as much as possible. And the crazy part is, that Henry & Ray end up actively pursuing Vicky under their superhero moniker’s while still stuck together from her Saliva which you’d think would tip her off about their secret identities, but that would imply that the producers of this show actually cared about the quality of their writing at all.

I will hand it to the decently-paced action scenes that thankfully compensate for the absurdity of Vicky’s Saliva powers throughout the episode and given their past experience with Vicky, you’d think the Duo would come up with a quick solution to get the sticky saliva off their bodies or the random objects that she keeps spitting on.

Overall, this was a grossly weird episode in terms of execution. While Sticky Vicky’s powers are the closest to an original idea, it thankfully doesn’t reach the same level of weird or infuriatingly bad as Snooze Pods.
