It’s Webs Day! Sub :3 #1 (@shutupcartoons), Video Game Therapist, Street Fighter: Frenemies! (@lewtoons)

This week on this Thanksgiving edition of Webs Day, we take a look at Shut Up Cartoons’ all new series Sub:3, Video Game Therapist, and a series from Lew Toons called Street Fighter: Frenemies. Check out what we thought of each on after the jump, and let us know which one is your favorite!


Sub:3-Bad Weather, Good Pizza

Have you ever sat around late at night and wondered what Speed Racer would be like if he wasn’t so God damned talented in a racecar and had to deliver pizzas for a living? Well, if by some strange stroke of irony you said yes to my question, you’re in luck! Shut Up Cartoons has stepped up and brought us Sub :3 and it’s on the money! Sub :3 has an amazing Speed Racer feel right down to the purposely terrible voice overs with the only thing missing from this video is Racer X and a monkey in overalls. And that’s what’s gonna keep bringing me back to this new series.


Halo-Video Game Therapist

Master Chief and Cortana are seeking some “Couples Therapy” in this episode of Video Game Therapist with Dr. Gary Freeman. This toon has a the steryotypical “Dr. Phil” sit down intervention feel but doesn’t feel as cartoony as Dr. Phil himself. The artwork is very detailed and bright. Keep your eyes open while watching, you might just see some interesting characters not normally associated with the Halo-verse. And also get ready for a twist ending that even M. Night Shamallamadingdong could appreciate.


Street Fighter: Frenemies

LewToons spent less than 1 minute of cartoon to answer one of life’s most puzzling questions:…what do the back round characters in fighting games talk about? Turns out they whine about getting stood up by Guile and they sound really bitchy while doing it. Having two dudes in fighter pilot uniforms whining about how much “product” Guile has in his hair made me thankful that I was always a Blanka guy. The art in this toon almost resembles a comic book which is actually kinda neat, but it’s a shame that these guys don’t post toons frequently because I’d love to see more.
