English Dub Review: Fuuka “Top!”


Spoilers Below

Despite protests, Fallen Moon officially performs its first show and finally settles on the band name. Unfortunately, Tama’s getting harassed by the head of her record label for all of her shenanigans as of late and orders her to cool it for a while, leading to the cancellation of her highly-anticipated Christmas show. When Yuu tries to call his childhood friend about everything he can’t get a hold of her, so he takes the train and finds her on the beach. The two embrace as we fade to black.

Our Take

Alright, everyone, the train is moving and we’ve got some good stuff going on with the band. The ending of the episode was a bit nuts but other than that this was my favorite episode. The two songs played were strong and featured a nice twist in between tracks, however, the band still needs to get a few bolts tightened before they are seen as truly great. It’s not exactly clear what is next for them as a whole just yet, so it will be interesting to see if that takes a back seat as we follow Tama’s music career.
