Bugs misplaces a glove and is deeply affected by its loss.

Spoilers Below

Daffy’s been using Bugs’ gloves in an attempt to pick up chicks and he just tosses them into a dryer causing them to shrink leaving the bunny with NO sign of his trademark gloves. Turns out, when Bugs doesn’t have his gloves he is completely lost as he doesn’t eat right and is constantly forgetting where he is.  Eventually, Bugs heads on over the clothes store to get some new gloves but his style is SO last century so he picks out a set of biker gloves and what good are biker gloves with out a tattoo?? With the new gloves comes a new rude personality that gets him kicked out of Speedy’s restaurant but also scores him some new wheels to go riding on!

Meanwhile, Daffy is tired of his name and he decides to change it so he takes Porky to the library to check out a book with a bunch of names but to no avail. Soon enough Daffy comes up with the name “Professor Duck” despite the fact that he is in no way indoctrinated by any educational institution.That said, that doesn’t stop Porky’s school professor named Johnson in begging Daffy to switch jobs in an attempt to flee the pig’s groveling. It isn’t long when we figure out that Daffy doesn’t know anything about teaching a class, but when a new biker with rabbit ears strolls in front of his class he gets ticked! Worst yet, when Bugs tries to pick up Lola, her parents freak out and ground their daughter!

Later that day, Bugs comes home and interrupts Daffy’s grading which causes the new Professor to try and reason with the crazy biker and convince the rebel without a cause to try going to school. However, on Bugs’ first day Porky gets annoyed and decides to set things straight with the two including Bugs who now has a new pair of gloves much to the chagrin of now rebel biker Lola. Also, Professor reverts back to Daffy cuz its just too much of a pain to keep spelling the whole damn thing!

I was quite a bit perplexed by the start of this week’s episode but once the plots started to settle in this one was a lot of fun. Bugs as a biker with a tattoo might be one of the funniest things I have ever seen and seeing the overly dramatic scenes with Lola and Daffy had me going over the top. The Daffy plot does kind of the same thing but not quite as well unless if he is talking with ol’ Bugsy. That said, this show continues to impress, and if you aren’t sold than you are missing out. Oh yea and MORE COYOTE/ROADRUNNER PLEASE!