The warden becomes a ventriloquist but loses control of his dummy.

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Is the opening kill the best one ever?? Superjail has a SUPER talent show going on and everyone’s got some good shit like Jared and is magic tricks but the Warden and his new ventriloquist Petey stink up the joint. As such, Warden wants the more popular Jared to teach him how to do magic tricks but the talented accountant rebuffs leading the Warden on a mission wanting to be the most talented in the prison! First stop, the library where Warden finds a book to help him make the diummy more satanic which guess what, he does.

After the ritual, Pete is way more violent and dirty towards his master but the crowd loves it and soon he becomes the biggest act going selling out shows all the while making Jared rich as shit.  Eventually, Petey gets rid of the Warden and wants to go to the big time with Jared instead offering him a crazy ass contract probably worth a shiny penny.  Turns out Jared is getting ready to go on tour with Petey who just built a giant version of himself  and goes nuts on the prison. Turns out the monstrosity is ran by Gary, so the Warden and Jared decide to team up to come up with the greatest magic act ever. Eventually, the dynamic duo get Gary running for freedom but is thwarted and then thrown down the trash for the rats to feast on!!

This episode felt like a bit of a different style then previous entries in Season 3 didn’t it? Going with a more plot heavy instance, “Uh-Oh Its Magic” is a very entertaining premise that delivers the goods on twists and plot turns that few other SJ episodes really are known for except maybe the S2 finale. In this instance, it almost felt that we were being built up for the juicy gross conclusion featuring Gary vs the two aspiring magicians that put on one hello f a talent show that seemed quite a bit more rewarding this time around.

(9.0 out of 10)