We are at the halfway point of our fair television viewing year and as such we thought it’d be bad ass to do a list of the highest scoring animated series of 2012…so far. After the jump, see who made the list with contributions made by all of our writers. Now to see who is number 3 on the best animated series in the first half of 2012.


Say what you want that Family Guy isn’t as good now as it first started but the numbers don’t lie. Its usually the highest prime-time animated series on network television and FOX charges $750,000 per 30 second ad spot. Now, in order for the series to be able to make numbers like that, it has to be good right? Everybody usually has a problem with a product when it begins to mature and Family Guy is no different. Similar to shows like The Simpsons and Saturday Night Live, Family Guy has certainly had to modernize as time goes on with less emphasis on cutaways and Stewie trying to kill Lois and more emphasis on story development and non sequiturs.

That’s how a show stays fresh and guess what?? It works! Because, with the show creator Seth MacFarlane has been able to afford himself the ability to do other things like Ted and music and as a result has had to leave a bunch of the production work in the hands of people that he trusts to make a good product. The true unsung heroes for Family Guy are Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan both of whom got the biggest ball to run with and as a result surely deserve to be noted on Family Guy’s continued success. Take all this and Family Guy is a shoe-in for best animated series of 2012…so far!